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Kathryn K. Hatfield: Kitty was raised in Greensboro and is a graduate of Guilford College with a BA in Economics and a graduate of UNC School of Law. Before going to law school, she became a CPA and worked in the financial offices of Duke Medical Center. Since 1974, her practice has been limited to family and matrimonial law matters. In 2017 she relinquished her status as an active CPA and went to inactive status, she is a certified Family Law Specialist, a certified Family Law Mediator, and a Parent Coordinator. |
John B. Hatfield: Jack was raised in Greensboro and is a graduate of Dartmouth College with a BA in History and a graduate of UNC School of Law. Having finished law school a year before Kitty, he started the Hatfield law firm which except for Jack’s four year tenure as a District Court Judge, has remained Hatfield & Hatfield since 1974. He presently primarily practices in District and Superior Criminal Court and represents plaintiffs and defendants in 50-B Domestic Violence Protective Orders. |
Cynthia A. Hatfield: Cindy, the daughter of Jack and Kitty, is a graduate of the Greensboro Day School, a 1985 Cum Laude graduate of Dartmouth College with a BS in Mathematics, and a graduate of UNC School of Law. After a couple of years with a large law firm, she gave Hatfield & Hatfield a try and has been there ever since. Though she and Jack have tried a death penalty case together, in recent decades her practice has been limited to domestic relations matters. |
219 W. Washington Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 | 336-273-0589 | Site Created By TCC